Official statistics safeguards

The ’Trajectories and Origins 2’ survey was examined by the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS), which deemed it useful and delivered a notice of opportunity (avis d’opportunité).

The ’Trajectories and Origins 2’ survey was examined by the Official Statistics Label Committee, which delivered a notice of conformity (avis de conformité). The Label Committee, by delegation of the CNIS, awarded the survey the label of general interest and statistical quality for the years 2019 and 2020, and made it mandatory.

The ’Trajectories and Origins 2’ survey complies with the 1978 Data Protection Act. The data processing carried out by INED is based on the exercise of a public interest mission. In accordance with article 44-6° of the modified law of January 6, 1978, INED has requested and received a favorable opinion from the CNIL for the processing of sensitive data in the framework of public research. INSEE is covered by the exception explained in article 44-2°.

Sensitive data in TeO2